To Lead Others, You Must First Know Yourself
Understanding your motives and triggers is the first step to creating a safer, more supportive space for everyone.
To be extraordinary is to be singular. Todd’s approach to business coaching is highly individualized to your unique needs. He doesn’t tell; he asks. He doesn’t speak first; he listens first. You guide your coaching experience with Todd. He leverages the ups and downs of his own path as an entrepreneur, partner, and parent to question, reflect, and clear the way so you can find your own enlightenment.
Get ready to transform your executive forum or board and elevate your leadership game with Todd’s bold and insightful coaching.
I have worked with thousands of amazing people
Are You Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired?
As an entrepreneur who survived then thrived in building a business, Todd helps heart-centered leaders create a life by design.
In Todd's Book From Suck to Success, he shares the secret to being profitable. Hint–it's in the margin, not the top-line revenue.
Read Todd's latest tips on building connection through psychological safety.
Understanding your motives and triggers is the first step to creating a safer, more supportive space for everyone.
Step one. Own your sh!t.
Get ready to transform your leadership and your results..