Turn Stress into Your Superpower

As entrepreneurs, we're no strangers to stress. It comes with the territory because we're deeply invested in the businesses we build. Tough love moment: there's no magical light at the end of the tunnel that will whisk away our stress.

Stress arises because something incredibly important to us is at stake. Every decision feels monumental, laden with the weight of our dreams and aspirations. It's easy to find ourselves trapped in a fixed mindset, spiraling into doom, frozen, and unable to move forward.

Let me share a personal story. In 2006, I was sitting on the curb outside my office, overwhelmed with emotion, $600k in debt, and just 60 days away from running out of cash. This crisis was the result of a mix of poor decisions on my part and clients who went bankrupt and owed us a significant amount of money.

After laying off my entire staff, I allowed myself a thirty-minute pity party filled with shame, guilt, and self-loathing. As that half-hour ended, my brother Greg, who I had brought on as a business coach, kicked me into action. He told me to stand up and do one positive thing for the business. It could be as simple as calling a favorite client or pushing a sales initiative. So I did.

From that day on, I committed to these five actions every single day:

Do Something Positive Every Day: Even the most minor action can lead to significant changes. Take Care of Yourself: Your business needs you at your best. For me, I joined a gym to reduce my stress and release positive endorphins into my brain. Focus on Margin Over Revenue: It's not just about making money; it's about keeping it. Magic is in the margin–revenue is vanity, profits are sanity. Have a Daily Huddle with Your Staff: Communication is key to navigating crises. Practice Financial Transparency: Everyone should know where the business stands.

Not only did I pay off the debt within seven years, but my company also earned a spot on the INC 5000 list of fastest-growing companies six times.

Our mindset truly is our superpower. Instead of wondering, “How do I become less stressed?” I learned to ask, “What’s really at stake here? What am I deeply invested in? How is this happening for me, not to me?” By focusing on what matters most and the desired outcomes, we can transform stress from a foe to a catalyst for action.

This journey isn't just about trying to stay positive. It's about taking concrete steps toward our goals, witnessing the results, and allowing those successes to reinforce our growth mindset. Sometimes, that means making tough decisions, like when I laid off my team to avoid bankruptcy—a choice that ultimately saved the business and allowed me to continue my mission of changing entrepreneurs' lives. Also, all those employees had new jobs in 60 days.

Today, let’s take a lesson from the active learning cycle. Start with one positive action right now that aligns with your deepest goals. It’s the first turn in the flywheel of your business’s success.

Here's to harnessing our stress and making it work for us,

From Suck to Success

In From Suck to Success, Todd uses his own experience in professional purgatory to propel your business upward by embracing Massive Curiosity coupled with Massive Accountability.

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